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Important Steps You Should Do Prior To Applying A Self Tanner

By Haywood Hunter Getting a tan indoors is a safe and healthy way to get a gorgeous complexion instantly. A self tanner can come in the fo...

By Haywood Hunter

Getting a tan indoors is a safe and healthy way to get a gorgeous complexion instantly. A self tanner can come in the form of lotion, spray, foam and cream. No matter which type you prefer, all of them rely on the same active ingredient called DHA. There are a few things that you need to carry out before applying the product of your choice to obtain superb results.

Hit the shower and thoroughly clean the skin prior to the application of a sunless tanning product. It's a must for dirt and grime to be removed so that DHA in the tanner can be completely absorbed and allowed to do its magic. Otherwise, the resulting color may look uneven as clean areas may end up darker and surfaces with excess skin oils may sport lighter brown shades.

Remove excess dead cells resting on your skin's topmost layer by means of exfoliation. DHA works by causing dead skin cells to darken and sport a golden brown color just like a real suntan. It's a must for the uppermost part of your skin to be smooth so that you could enjoy an even outcome. It's a good idea to use a loofah in the shower or a body gel made for exfoliating.

Shaving is another step that needs to be done just before getting a tan inside the home. Ensure that there are no unwanted body hairs present most especially on areas where you intend to apply the sunless tanning product of your liking. If you don't get rid of those excess hairs, DHA may only collect around them and cause a blotchy effect.

If your preferred hair removal method is waxing, it's a good idea to have it done at least a day before having an indoor tan. This helps ensure that there are no more waxy substance left that could keep DHA from working completely. Also, allowing at least 24 hours to pass allows any form of skin irritation to heal.

See to it that you are completely dry all over before you begin the indoor tanning task. Water can dilute the lotion, gel, cream or spray, causing a less desirable fake tan. Certainly, it can be very exciting to get started with your sunless tanning. However, see to it that you towel down thoroughly to ensure that no excess skin moisture will get in the way.

Do not apply any cosmetic product that you use on a regular basis. It is true that today's indoor tanners tend to give off a distinctive fishy smell. This is normal most especially if the product of your preference uses DHA as its active ingredient. It's a bad idea, however, to use any scented cosmetic item like cologne beforehand just to mask the odor DHA emits.

The only cosmetic product you may apply beforehand is your favorite moisturizing lotion. Take note that it should only be used on dryer areas of the body such as the ankles, knees and elbows. Due to the dryness of these parts, they tend to absorb more DHA and end up darker than the rest. Applying moisturizing lotion in these areas weakens DHA's effect.

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