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Tuesday, March 18



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Do Home Health Care Professionals Need Home Health Liability Insurance? Read On

By Scott Perry As people grow older, they need medical care and this compels them to shift to the assisted living facilities or to receive...

By Scott Perry

As people grow older, they need medical care and this compels them to shift to the assisted living facilities or to receive care in the comfort of their home. In the course of providing these services, the home care professionals face certain risks. As a result of the various malpractice claims that are made by the homebound patients, it imperative for every physician who is specialized in this area to apply for home health liability insurance. This insurance cover is important for the following reasons.

In the course of provision of service to the elderly patients in homes, there is a very high probability that you will be issued with a liberty claim. This is especially true in those cases where you are accused of any form of misconduct. Such a policy effectively covers you against all forms of violence, malpractice, and sexual harassment charges. If you are covered under this policy, you can protect yourself against these and more charges.

When compared to other health care professionals, home caregivers are at increased risk of being accused for negligence or acting wrongly and thereby putting the health of their clients in jeopardy. Even those practitioners that have more years of experience could administer those treatments that result in adverse reactions. In such a case, you cannot run away from being sued for negligence.

The home health profession requires the practitioners to work in an environment which is very unpredictable. This puts them at a greater risk when compared to that of the other health workers. Chances are that you could roll down the stairs, trip and fall because of those things that are left on the floor, slip in the bathroom, or suffer injuries when lifting the patient. A good policy will ensure that you get the appropriate cover for such injuries.

Any claim or charge that could occur in the course of discharging your services requires a substantial amount for you to put in place a strong defense. If your policy provider covers this cost, you will save yourself from any financial loss. Most of the firms providing these services will move a notch higher and compensate the lost salary and other settlement claims. They take responsibility of any form of damages or injuries to the body of the health care professional.

Most of the employers of the caregivers provide some form of cover to their employees for any damages or injury that could occur. Such a policy is not bad. However, it provides insufficient cover as it does not specify the limits of the liability. This means that if the practitioner is sued for damages or misconduct, they will still dig out of their pocket to defend themselves from such charges.

Finally, the residence caregivers require confidence in order to effectively discharge their duties. A good insurance cover is their only guarantee of being protected from any work related risks. Given that the services of these professionals extend across the lifespan of their clients, they can acquire the confidence to do their work if they are properly covered.

If you have worked hard to build your career in the health care profession, you should not let the adverse effects of a claim drag you down. Instead, apply for such a policy so that it can shift the liability to the insurance provider.

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