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Reasons To Take Part In Emotional Intelligence Training Certification

By Stephanie Phillips In order to get a job, people apply and are called for interviews. Nowadays, employers want more than good grades. T...

By Stephanie Phillips

In order to get a job, people apply and are called for interviews. Nowadays, employers want more than good grades. They require emotional intelligence too in order to have the best out the people. This is the ability of a person to perceive, understand and control their emotions. Employers look for employees with high emotional quotient and may send their staff for emotional intelligence training certification.

Emotional intellect comprises of 5 main pillars. All of them contribute to making a person who is considered emotionally intelligent. Self-regulation is the ability of a person to control their emotions and moods to avoid them interfering with their work. Then there is empathy. It means understanding the emotions of others which helps in knowing how to work with them.

Apart from self-regulation, you also need self-awareness. This means that you should be in a position to know the different emotions you may have and how likely they are to affect the people around you. This allows you to keep them in check. You will have social skills which allow you to interact with all types of people smoothly. Lastly, there is internal motivation. This is the ability of a person to work without a promise of being rewarded.

The high passionate quotient is one of the things that can further the career of a person. It is a major player in the hiring, firing, and promotion of employees in a company. Statistics show that many companies test for passionate quotients and often pick it over intelligence quotient. Most employees with high EQ also have high IQ and tend to be very successful.

Internal motivation is one of the most admirable traits in an employee. They not only do their work on time but also very efficient. They are able to set their targets and push themselves into achieving them. Some employees tend to procrastinate and do the work last minute and it does not come out as well as those who took their time.

Mental stability is key in every work place. People who are emotionally intelligent are able are able to understand people especially emotionally. So cases of petty fights between colleagues will be unheard of. They also have a positive outlook on life meaning they choose to see the good side of everything. His makes even their work easier.

Happy mind happy life. It is a well-known fact that as long as you are not under any kind of pressure, you are more likely to make healthy choices. It has not been proven by science but evidently, passionate intellect translates to great physical health. If you know how to handle people with all of their emotions, you are very unlikely to get stressed.

Emotional intelligence is useful not only in the career aspect but also in life generally. One may be intelligent naturally and another by training but either way, it makes it easier to relate with people especially at the work place because you know how to handle everyone be it a client or a colleague. EQ is the door way too a lot of opportunities.

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