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Coward Baptist Church Follows The Holy Scripture

By Michael Ward Righteousness makes a nation great. On the other hand, sin condemns any people. According to the Holy Bible, to do good is...

By Michael Ward

Righteousness makes a nation great. On the other hand, sin condemns any people. According to the Holy Bible, to do good is to do justice and righteousness. Goodness also involves facilitating peace. These are the exact messages that are quite common in the sermons of Coward Baptist Church because it is a 100% Bible believing church. America and most Western nations are Christian nations. As the Bible predicted, Christianity has finally reached the furthest parts of the world. That makes it the most dominant religion on earth with billions of followers. Every day, Christianity is growing.

The Baptist church is part of the Protestant denomination. It is started in United Kingdom and was later exported to the United States. Presently, many Americans are Baptists. The Protestant denomination is the result of the Great Reformation that happened centuries ago. At first, there was only the Catholic denomination and then a few men reformed against Catholicism and they stared the Protestant faith.

The Baptist Church is anchored in the Bible. The scripture defines everything of this faith. That has been the scenario for the past centuries, is presently the case, and will also be the case for thousands of years to come. Nothing will change as far as belief in the real truth of life is concerned. The Biblical truth is unshaken.

Biblical messages are not new. They have been preached for centuries and even today they remain very relevant even thou some of them were written over four thousand years ago. Scripture will always be steadfast like a rock. As it is said, a house that has been built on rock cannot be shaken by weather elements such as wind and rain.

Scripture does not leave any gaps. It does not leave any questions unanswered and most importantly, it does not contradict itself. It is only that some are too blind to see and too deaf to hear. The main point of clarity is that man is a very sinful creature. However, despite that there is grace. Baptism clears all the sins.

It is the age of grace. However, grace will not last forever. Baptists believe on such lofty Biblical issues such as grace and baptism. They also believe in the repentance of sin and the subsequent turning way from sin and leading a holy life. Every man is a sinner by birth. However, forgiveness of sin and salvation are free.

Another Biblical emphasis is the need for fellowship. No one can say that he is a lone wolf Christian. A believer needs to fellowship with others. There are many examples of fellowship in scriptures. Baptists value the importance of fellowship. That is why there is usually Sunday service and weekly services. One should pay close attention to the Sunday sermon.

One is not merely a physical being. Everybody also has a spirit. Of course, it is desirable to feed the body with nutritious foods. One should also dress in the best manner possible. However, what is even more important is to feed the spirit with the messages of the Bible. Spiritual growth is a good thing. A Christian should grow in his faith.

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