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How To Manage Abdominal Pain

By Stephen Bennett Symptoms related to the gastrointestinal system are the result of varied medical conditions. Examples include, among ot...

By Stephen Bennett

Symptoms related to the gastrointestinal system are the result of varied medical conditions. Examples include, among others, inflammatory diseases, infections, cancerous processes and ulcers among others. Most of us (if not all)in Greenbelt, MD, have had to deal with abdominal pain at one time or the other. The majority of these cases are due to disorders affecting the underlying structures. We will explore the various types of this pain and how to manage them.

The first step in identifying the cause of pain is its location; the point where it is most intense. If this area is the epigastric region, then the most likely origin is the stomach. The individual will most likely be suffering from peptic ulcer disease or gastritis or rarely, hepatitis. Centrally located pain is most often related to the intestines while that in the flanks may indicate a liver problem (on the right flank), a splenic disorder (left flank) or kidney issue (either side).

The character and pattern of the symptom can both be used in identifying the pain. For example, dull and diffuse pain is likely due to a condition affecting a solid internal organ. In contrast, if the symptom is localized and constricting in nature it is probably coming from a hollow or tubular structure such a ureter or the intestines. Another way of utilizing patterns is to study the associated symptoms. The presence of associated diarrhea, for example, suggests an infection.

A number of investigations need to be carried out to differentiate the various possibilities that exist. The nature of these investigations is greatly depended on the problem that is suspected. A septic screen is conducted when an infection is suspected. The screen includes, among other things, a full blood count. This is a determination of levels of cellular components in blood. Of greatest concern is the level of white blood cells. Urine, cerebrospinal spinal fluid are subjected to culture studies as part of this screen.

Radiological studies play an important role in diagnosing abdominal conditions. Plain radiographs (X-rays) are used in studying the distribution of fluids (liquids and gases). Distension caused by the presence of gas is usually seen when there is intestinal obstruction. Ultrasound, MRI and CT scan have greater resolution and are most useful in assessing solid organs such as the pancreas, the liver, the spleen and the kidneys among others.

Management of this condition is widely varied. It is mostly dependent on the underlying diagnosis. For a majority of the conditions no form of treatment is needed. Others may just require a few over the counter drugs. Persons with peptic ulcers will experience relief when they take antacids. Those in whom an infection has been demonstrated antimicrobial agents such as antibiotics, antifungals and antiviral drugs will be administered depending on which of these pathogens is present.

Surgical intervention has two main benefits. It may be used in making the diagnosis such as in the case of acute appendicitis, ectopic pregnancies, tumors and abscesses and may be a therapeutic intervention. Surgery not only allows the surgeon to see where the problem is through direct visualization but also ensures that the area is accessible for any interventions to be undertaken. Both open and laparoscopic approaches can be used.

Pain in the abdomen is fairly common. It is associated with a wide range of conditions. Identifying the problem requires that one gives a comprehensive medical history and undergoes a physical examination and investigations. Treatment is dependent on the problem that has been identified.

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